Sunday, April 25, 2010

Lazy Afternoon With Friends

Our friends Pete (I get called RePete to avoid confusion) and Mike came over to pick up some plants from Jim. We had a great afternoon with pizza, cake, Funny Or Die episodes, and...gimlets!

This past year, I have tried more different kinds of spirits that at any other time in my life. To my surprise, I'm finding that I like quite a few of them. Jack Daniel's is my drink of choice, with coke or straight.  I just like that charcoal-whiskey flavor. Didn't care for Southern Comfort. And now, Pete made his lime gimlet. I love them, but they sure pack a punch! I was pretty loopy after one (I'm a total light-weight). Luckily, I was already home.  Definitely took the edge off!

Later that night I re-ventured into the waters of eBay. I've started reading my second Horatio Hornblower novel (Ship Of The Line), but it's all in paperback. EBay had for auction a three novel set in hardcover of the first three Hornblower novels which are all set during the time he is a captain. The set comes with a slip case, so I thought that was kind of cool. We'll see if I win!

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