Saturday, January 23, 2010

Goals 2010

The pic is me at Chichen-Itza at the top of the pyramid. Thought it would be a good picture to use for a posting about goals. I've spent a little time trying to come up with goals for this year, something I haven't done since 2007 (I think). So far, here's where I'm at:

1) Athletics/Wellness
- Go to Hapikdo 12 times a month.
- Lift weights twice a week.
- Get a massage once a month.

2) Life Experiences - Do something fun/new/enriching once a month. So far....
- January: Saw Pierre Boulez conduct the CSO through Ravel's Le Tombeau De Couperin. Main floor seats!
- February: We'll be seeing Lisa Lampanelli live.
- March: TBD
- April: Virgin Islands
- May: TBD
- June: May go down to Austin to visit Paul

3) Financial - I'd like to have a more structure monthly budget that I keep and track.

4) Activism - Get back to writing at least one letter for Amnesty International each month.

5) Art - Take a ceramics course and see if I'm any good at it.

6) Zen - Get back into meditation on a regular basis. At least once a week?

7) Reading - Always be working through at least one book. I have also been reading more about world events, and I'd like to keep that up.

So that's it. For now. Rough list; not final. But a good start.

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